
Ogola burial

The Intriguing Saga of General Ogolla's Burial Revealed: From Quick Burial to Traffic Disruptions

Discover the details behind the speedy burial of General Ogolla and the unexpected traffic disturbances in Nyanza region. Click to uncover more!

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Joel Rabuku Omondi Ogolla

The Unrevealed Story of CDF Ogolla's Family

Peek into the life of CDF Ogolla's daughter and son - Lorna and Joel Rabuku. Shocking revelations ahead! ๐Ÿคฏ

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Joel Rabuku

Joel Rabuku Vows to Continue Father's Legacy as 'The Son of Alego'

Joel Rabuku pledges to uphold his late father's legacy as he addresses mourners at the burial ceremony of Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces, General Francis.

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