
Ogola burial

The Intriguing Saga of General Ogolla's Burial Revealed: From Quick Burial to Traffic Disruptions

Discover the details behind the speedy burial of General Ogolla and the unexpected traffic disturbances in Nyanza region. Click to uncover more!

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Oburu Odinga

Oburu Odinga Urges Probe Into General Ogolla's Death: What Really Happened?

Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga pushes for investigation into the plane crash that claimed General Francis Ogolla's life. Find out the reasons behind Uhuru and Raila's absence at the burial!

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General Ogolla burial

President Ruto Leads the Nation in Farewell to General Ogolla: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Absentees

Find out why Uhuru and Raila were missing at General Ogolla's burial service. President Ruto takes the lead in honoring the late Chief of Defence Forces in a grand send-off.

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