
2022 - 8 - 16

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Image courtesy of "Guinness World Records"

The art is on the inside: The Enigma on his jigsaw puzzle tattoos (Guinness World Records)

The Enigma (aka Paul Lawrence, USA) has the most jigsaw pieces tattooed on the body with a staggering 2123 tattoos.

"This [referring to his tattooed skin] is the backside of the puzzle. The art is on the inside," he shared. This is because he had a risky procedure that tattooed the white of his eyeballs, filling them with black ink. His body modification journey began while in the Jim Rose Circus, in January 1993.Advertisements The Enigmaโ€™s performances include playing instruments and various tricks with fire, swords, power tools and blades. He received his subdermal implants later, in 1996.

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