Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, Sylvia Wanjohi and Peter Ngugi took the opportunity to apologise to the families of Kimani, his client Josephat Mwenda and ...
NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 16 - The sentencing of three police officers and a civilian found guilty of the murder of lawyer Willie Kimani, his client Josephat ...
The police officers are Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, Sylvia Wanjiku, and police informer Peter Ngugi. Officer Leonard Mwangi was acquitted on all three ...
The High Court has today, Friday, December 16 postponed the sentencing of four convicts in lawyer Willie Kimani's murder case. Justice Jessie Lessit is ...
She hinted at appointing another person to deliver the verdict on her behalf. "The defence is at liberty to file any further submissions they wish to. [Kimani's family appeared in court]( to witness the issuance of the verdict on the murder case of their kin. Justice Lessit, however, postponed the sentencing of the suspects to February 3, 2023. The sentencing of four convicts in the lawyer Willie Kimani murder case is to be delivered on February 3, 2023. - Justice Jessie Lessit, however, postponed the sentencing of the four suspects to February 3, 2023
Willie Kimani's murder case has been ongoing for the last six years. The mastermind in the case, Fedrick Leliman asked for forgiveness saying he had ...
[pushed the sentencing]( of four convicts in the gruesome murder of the trio to February 3, 2023. Let us believe today is a forgiving day,” he added. [“See First”]( under the “Following” tab to see TUKO News on your News Feed My lady he is very religious now. He regrets it ever over occurred, ” Ombeta said, as reported by [Amos Khaemba](
Four police officers found guilty for the offence if murder against lawyer willy kimani and two others will be sentence on 3rd February 2023.
The four officers were charged for the offence of murder against lawyer Willy Kimani Josephat Mwenda and Joseph Muiruri. The accused was only an officer at the reception and she only failed to enter the names of the the deceased in the occurrence book. The matter came up today for defence lawyer to highlight submission for mitigation by defence lawyers and the court said it needs time to consider the same before passing the sentence.