
2022 - 12 - 18

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Image courtesy of "Daily Monitor"

A great World Cup, but for the Hesgoal ban: illegal streaming and ... (Daily Monitor)

Uganda has had its fair share of streaming sorts wars-URU vs Kawowo Sports et al and now with serious investors in the sports broadcast side of things like ...

The forever debate on whether sports is private or public, elitist or egalitarian is at the heart of this ban on Hesgoal.com. The internet through some of its original concepts such as โ€œnet neutralityโ€- an open, equal internet for everyone, with unrestricted access, democratized access to information. This column has in the past couple of weeks explored the subject of who owns the World Cup. The two Bills both contain provisions prohibiting unauthorized broadcasting through electronic mediums of sports events. These rights holders of course have their equivalent of streaming platforms. Interestingly, this comes during the World Cup.

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