Damson Idris

2023 - 1 - 13

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Image courtesy of "Capital XTRA"

Lori Harvey goes Instagram official with new boyfriend Damson Idris (Capital XTRA)

Snowfall actor Damson posted a photo of the pair on his Instagram Story today (Friday 13th Jan), showing him planting a kiss on Lori's cheek. "Happy Birthday ...

Jordan to Damson Idris](/news/lori-harvey-dating-now-boyfriend/) It seems the British star has already coined a nickname for his new girlfriend! [Lori Harvey](/news/lori-harvey-dating-now-boyfriend/) and Damson Idris have confirmed [rumours that they are dating](/news/celebrity/lori-harvey-and-damson-idris-confirm-dating-rumours-boyfriend-dinner-date/), it appears.

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Image courtesy of "That Grape Juice"

New Year, New Boo! Damson Idris Seemingly Confirms Lori Harvey ... (That Grape Juice)

After months of murmurs, it appears Damson Idris and Lori Harvey are indeed dating. Full story below... The 'Snowfall' actor and the model have been at.

He also shared a pic of the 26-year-old stepdaughter of Steve Harvey on set of his show. Moments ago, British-Nigerian actor Idris shared the intimate shot above on Instagram in toasting Harvey’s birthday. The ‘Snowfall’ actor and the model have been at the center of much speculation, but have both stayed mum about the rumors.

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Image courtesy of "The Source"

Damson Idris and Lori Harvey Make Their Relationship Public (The Source)

After weeks of rumors, Damson Idris made his relationship with Lori Harvey Instagram official.

After walking the gold carpet with his castmates, as seen in his Instagram story, Idris would slide a picture of himself cuddled up with Harvey. He would double back with Harvey holding a picture of what appears to be prop money, flanked by prop bricks of cocaine. Idris is getting ready for the sixth and final season of FX’s hit series Snowfall.

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Image courtesy of "BellaNaija"

Damson Idris Shares Loved Up Photo with Lori Harvey (BellaNaija)

There's a new reason for that gorgeous smile on Lori Harvey's face these days. British-Nigerian actor, Damson Idris just revealed he's in a relationship ...

Now, we think this is a confirmation since Damson shared a loved-up photo of himself and Lori Harvey on his Instagram stories, captioning it “Happy Birthday Nunu.” British-Nigerian actor, Damson Idris just revealed he’s in a relationship with the model on Friday. Damson Idris Shares Loved Up Photo with Lori Harvey

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Image courtesy of "cosmopolitan.com"

Lori Harvey and Damson Idris confirm relationship in cute Instagram ... (cosmopolitan.com)

Earlier today (13th January) 31-year-old British actor Damson shared a picture of himself with Lori on his Instagram story to celebrate her 26th birthday.

Following their date, Damson shared Lori's recent Essence magazine cover on his Instagram story with a number of 🔥 emojis. This lead many fans to think something was going on between the two. I need Lori’s rizz like yesterday." [they said: ](https://twitter.com/_JustShonny/status/1613900168188858368)"In my next life I wanna be Lori Harvey" and another [simply said: ](https://twitter.com/BreezieTheWop/status/1613897749577039873)"I wanna cry, Damson & Lori so CUTE." [said:](https://twitter.com/EmiEleode/status/1613855188489576451?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) "Almost passed out on the way to pilates class. [joked that they](https://twitter.com/angelashelang/status/1613848026199752704) "Just fell to my knees at Southwark station" upon seeing the picture of Lori and Damson.

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Image courtesy of "HITC"

Who is Damson Idris? Lori Harvey goes Instagram official with ... (HITC)

As Lori Harvey and her boyfriend seemingly went Instagram official with their romance, we find out who Damson Idris is and his net worth.

He continues to portray Franklin in Snowfall and has appeared in 61 episodes of the show so far. He also appeared in the 2016 film City of Tiny Lights. It looks like the actor already has a cute nickname for his girlfriend! He is known for his role in the 2021 Netflix sci-fi Outside the Wire alongside Marvel actor Anthony Mackie (stars in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier). Damson is a British-Nigerian actor who was born on September 2, 1991 in London as the youngest of six children. As Lori Harvey and her boyfriend seemingly went Instagram official with their romance, we find out who Damson Idris is and his net worth.

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Image courtesy of "Vibe"

Lori Harvey And Damson Idris Confirm Relationship With Instagram ... (Vibe)

Last year, speculations began to swarm social media that Lori Harvey and Snowfall actor Damson Idris were dating. After being spotted on a dinner date in ...

is the key to truly being happy in or out of a relationship.” The film hits theaters on March 3, 2023. I’m very much in a space right now where I’m not doing anything that’s gonna compromise my peace and happiness, so I think just taking control, making sure you maintain your power, don’t give your power away to anybody… I didn’t realize it was that bad, but I learned. On the image, he vaguely wrote “Happy Birthday Nunu [heart emoji].” [splitting in June of 2022](https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/steve-harvey-speaks-out-lori-harvey-michael-b-jordan-breakup-1234667156/).

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Lori Harvey, Damson Idris share Instagram-official kiss: What she's ... (USA TODAY)

The socialite, model, CEO of SKN by LH and unofficial Pilates spokeswoman is celebrating her 26th birthday with a publicized kiss with "Snowfall" star Damson ...

"I felt like I hadn't really experienced anything, I didn't really know myself. I just felt like I hadn't really experienced life. I didn't really know what I liked, what I didn't like. "I've heard I've dated a father and son before … 19, Harvey said so much of the publicity around her has been about her being "attached to something or someone." Jordan and Lori Harvey have called it quits, Steve Harvey confirms](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2022/06/06/michael-b-jordan-and-lori-harvey-breakup-steve-harvey-says/7532945001/) [Teyana Taylor ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/06/08/teyana-taylor-crowned-maxim-magazine-sexiest-woman-alive/7598722002/)on [Bumble's "Luv2SeeIt" web series.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyCGrg3t5sE) "I’m not compromising my peace and happiness for anything or anybody." [Harvey and Jordan called their relationship quits in the summer](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2022/06/06/michael-b-jordan-and-lori-harvey-breakup-steve-harvey-says/7532945001/). "I feel like I'm growing as a woman, as an individual. Now she says she is "being a little selfish right now. [ Lori Harvey ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2022/01/18/steve-harvey-reacts-photo-lori-michael-b-jordan/6568606001/)love interest?

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Image courtesy of "Page Six"

Lori Harvey and Damson Idris spark dating rumors with PDA photo (Page Six)

Damson Idris seemingly confirmed he is dating Lori Harvey after months of speculation online by posting a photo of him kissing the model on her cheek.

“I feel like it’s always been about me attached to something or someone,” she told the magazine. “This time, it’s about me. The insider added that the former couple were “completely heartbroken” and still had “love for each other.” It’s my time.” A source told People at the time, “Michael matured a lot over the course of their relationship and was ready to commit for the long-term. In December, the SKN skincare founder and the “Snowfall” star were

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

It's confirmed! Lori Harvey and Damson Idris are dating. See details (Economic Times)

After splitting up with actor Michael B. Jordan in June 2022, Lori Harvey seems to be presently dating Damson Idris.

Lori was also linked with [rap](/topic/rap)mogul Diddy. [US News](/news/international/us), [UK News](/news/international/uk), [Canada News](/news/international/canada), International Breaking News Events, and Latest News Updates on The Economic Times.) She said that she was unwilling to do anything that would "compromise peace and happiness".

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Image courtesy of "BET"

Damson Idris Shows Love To Lori Harvey On Her 26th Birthday ... (BET)

The 'Snowfall' actor posted a romantic snapshot that's going viral on social media!

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Image courtesy of "Complex"

Damson Idris Seemingly Confirms He's Dating Lori Harvey ... (Complex)

The actor shared a photo that showed him kissing Lori on the cheek, which he posted with the caption, “Happy Birthday Nunu.” The apparent confirmation arrives ...

She has previously been linked to Lewis Hamilton, Trey Songz, Justin Combs, and Future, who referenced the end of their romance on his song “Maybach.” “This moment is about me,” she told [Essence](https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/lori-harvey-self-love-damson-idris-dating-rumors) in December. Jordan](https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/steve-harvey-thoughts-on-lori-michael-b-jordan-split) last year, Lori said she was choosing to focus on herself for a bit. Jordan in November 2020, and they ended the relationship by June 2022. That same night they attended Zack Bia’s birthday party together. [Lori Harvey](http://www.complex.com/tag/lori-harvey/) and [Damson Idris](http://www.complex.com/tag/damson-idris/) have seemingly confirmed they’re dating after the latter shared a picture of them getting cozy together on his Instagram Stories.

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Image courtesy of "E! Online"

Damson Idris Shares Cheeky PDA Photo With Lori Harvey Amid ... (E! Online)

Snowfall star Damson Idris shared a must-see photo of himself showing Lori Harvey a little PDA in honor of the model's 26th birthday: "Happy Birthday Nunu."

"I'm just focusing on me now," she continued. Jordan in June 2022](https://www.eonline.com/news/1333479/michael-b-jordan-and-lori-harvey-break-up-after-more-than-one-year-of-dating) after more than a year of dating—opened up to E! "I feel like this year especially, I'm really stepping into my own, coming into my own as a woman. News about landing the cover of Essence's Black love issue as a "single woman." [his Instagram Stories](https://www.instagram.com/damsonidris/?hl=en), Damson simply wrote, "Happy Birthday Nunu," along with a heart emoji. 13 by sharing a photo of himself kissing her on the cheek, with his arms wrapped around her.

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Image courtesy of "HOLA! USA"

Did Lori Harvey and Damson Idris just confirm their romantic ... (HOLA! USA)

Lori was previously in a romantic relationship with actor Michal B. Jordan, but the former couple called it quits in June 2020 after being together for over ...

Back in December, the two celebrities were spotted arriving at Catch LA, with online users speculating if they were on a date together. “I feel like it’s always been about me attached to something or someone,” she said during an interview with Essence. It seems Damson Idris and Lori Harvey are the new celebrity couple of 2023!

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Lori Harvey confirms romance with Damson Idris as they go ... (Daily Mail)

Lori Harvey went Instagram official with new love Damson Idris, 31, six months after ending her high-profile relationship with actor Michael B. Jordan, 35.

It's my time.' This time, it's about me. Playful: The new photo was shared to the actor's Instagram Stories, where he followed up with a solo snapshot of Lori holding stacks of money on either side of her face The new photo was shared to the actor's Instagram Stories, where he followed up with a solo snapshot of Lori holding stacks of money on either side of her face. Magazine star: Ironically, Harvey is the cover star of the latest issue of Essence magazine , in which her profile was sold on her singledom The SKN by LH founder gushed with a smile on her face as she basked in the attention from her new man.

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Image courtesy of "HITC"

Damson Idris and Michael B. Jordan memes go viral as Lori Harvey ... (HITC)

The British actor, who appears in the crime drama Snowfall and Netflix's sci-fi movie Outside the Wire, shared a loved up snap of them on Instagram. In the cute ...

Jordan](/en-gb/topic/michael-b-jordan/) memes are taking over Twitter. They were at different stages in their lives.” [Damson Idris](/en-gb/topic/damson-idris/) have seemingly [confirmed](/en-gb/2023/01/13/who-is-damson-idris-lori-harvey-goes-instagram-official-with-boyfriend/) they are dating and funny [Michael B.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Lori Harvey flaunts stunning frame at her 26th birthday bash with ... (Daily Mail)

Lori Harvey turned heads in a figure-hugging black dress as she attended her star-studded birthday party in West Hollywood and was joined by Damon Idris, ...

She added a black leather jacket over the dress to stay warm in the chilly temperatures. She donned a plaid miniskirt along with a vibrant orange top for a pip of color. The two stars seemingly confirmed their budding new romance earlier on Friday when Lori reposted an adorable snap of herself cuddling close to Damson as he laid a gentle kiss on her cheek. She zoomed in, causing the Snowfall actor to flash a sweet smile in her direction. In the top right corner of the photo, he had typed out, 'Happy birthday Nunu,' followed by a red heart emoji. The SKN by LH founder was previously in a relationship with actor, Michael B. She also opted for a light touch of blush along with highlighter to better accentuate her cheekbones. The two had started dating in November 2020, but decided to go their separate ways nearly two years later in June 2022. The star paused for a few memorable snaps before entering the crowded restaurant to officially kick off the birthday bash. Lori accessorized her glamorous ensemble by adding a dainty pair of shimmering, rhinestone earrings along with a large, flashy ring. From a vintage Azzedine Alaia hooded midi, to a Magda Butrym rose corsage maxi, she has been nailing all the top trends. Naturally, she is also on board the cult craze which continues to reign supreme...cut-outs!

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