A Bristol Waste spokesperson said: “The interim managing director, Jason Eldridge, stepped down in January due to ill health. We thank Jason for the ...
“Whilst we are in the process of recruiting a permanent MD, Ian Osborne, Bristol Waste non-executive director, has taken on the role of MD on an interim basis. A Bristol Waste spokesperson said: “The interim managing director, Jason Eldridge, stepped down in January due to ill health. “In previous years, we have at least known that the MD of each company was instrumental in leading the business plan process. “What is happening in a company that provides a major service to every resident in Bristol? There was no response in the meeting to his questions. “This seemed unusual given the timetable for business plans had been clearly established and agreed, but we were told the plan would now be brought to an additional OSMB meeting on February 27. [resignations on the same day](https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bristol-waste-bosses-resign-at-7394598) of the previous MD Tony Lawless and finance director Adam Henshaw. This is the third managing director to depart. “Had we been briefed in confidence we would have been aware of the situation, but when we are given no explanation or background I can only be suspicious of what has gone on, what the problems are and how big they are. Cllr Gollop said: “Last month overview and scrutiny management board (OSMB) members were told the business plan had been delayed. “I can’t understand for one moment why it didn’t occur to anyone that not sharing that information with members was not a good idea. Is there a managing director?