While growth in 2022 was 3.7%, uncertainty about the global economy is forecasted to reduce GDP to 1.3% in 2024. The Dutch labor market remains relatively. The ...
[Bubty](http://bubty.com/) describes a next evolution of the freelance economy in The Netherlands and elsewhere. Corporates are more interested in benefiting from freelance access, expertise, and the speed of on-boarding and time to productivity. The freelance market in the Netherlands is competitive, and hiring managers face a war on talent to secure the best candidates. The freelance revolution is growing for both economic and deep cultural reasons. Out of 9.6m people working in the Netherlands 1.6m are freelancing. It’s a broader trend: people want freedom and flexibility and are re-prioritizing the role of work. There is a slow shift towards prioritizing quality, as businesses recognize the importance of attracting top talent to drive success.” It's not a trend, it's not the future, it's happening now. According to the OECD, the Dutch economy is expected to grow at pre-pandemic rates supporting a strong freelance performance in many areas, as hiring remains tight. "This year there is a peak in the number of freelancers in The Netherlands. The unemployment rate is forecast to pick up further, from 3.7% in 2022 to 4.3% in 2023 and 2024. “As a top tech hub, The Netherlands has always been open to innovation and change.
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The Netherlands pledged support for the reconstruction of Türkiye's earthquake-hit Hatay province on Tuesday. Liesje Schreinemacher, the Dutch...
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The Dutch minister for foreign trade and development cooperation, Liesje Schreinemacher, visited Hatay province which was one of the provinces hit hardest ...
[](https://nnn.ng/hausa/#=saharahausa) [](https://nnn.ng/i/#=free link shortner) They were all damaged by the earthquakes. She met victims in tent cities and expressed her grief over the catastrophe.
Katie Mulry, an American student studying aerospace engineering in the Netherlands, shares her adventure as an international student.
I was used to a culture of hurry, but now, on exchange, I began to take my time. I made new friendships and found a new support system. This schedule also gave me the flexibility to learn how to study on my own, and I had more free time than I had ever enjoyed back home. It was a much healthier, grace-filled attitude to failure than I’d ever encountered at my home university, and although it was challenging, I’m thankful to have learned that lesson. There’s a windmill in the distance and the smell of something sweet in the air. This is how I started my study abroad journey in the Netherlands.