A somber mood envelops Kilungu Level Three Hospital as the puzzling demise of 15-year-old Form One student, Emmanuel Kirima, unfolds at Kilungu Boys High School. Dive into the captivating tale of mystery and sorrow in Kenya's latest news.
At the Kilungu Level Three Hospital, the family of Emmanuel Kirima is in a sombre mood, confused and angry. The news of the death of their 15-year-old son at Kilungu Boys High School has left the community in shock. Kilungu Boys High School is grappling with the untimely death of Emmanuel Kirima, a 15-year-old Form One student. The parents of Immanuel Kirimi are seeking answers into the death of their son, who tragically passed away just 10 days after joining Form One at Kilungu Boys High. Principal Geoffrey Muema disclosed that Emmanuel Kirimi complained of stomach upsets on the fateful day, leading to a police investigation into the mysterious death of the young student. The tragic demise of Emmanuel Kirima, a recent entrant into Kilungu Boys High School, has cast a somber atmosphere over the school and the local community. The circumstances surrounding his death remain shrouded in mystery, leaving many bewildered and seeking answers.
At the Kilungu Level Three Hospital, the family of Emmanuel Kirima is in a sombre mood, confused and angry. The news of the death of their 15-year-old son ...
Kilungu Boys High School is grappling with the untimely death of 15-year-old Form One student, Emmanuel Kirima. | Pulselive Kenya.
The parents of 15-year-old Immanuel Kirimi are seeking answers into the death of their son, who died 10 days after joining Form One at Kilungu Boys High ...
The family of a Form One student who died at Kilungu Boys Secondary School in Makueni County on.
Principal Geoffrey Muema said Emmanuel Kirimi complained of stomach upsets on that fateful day.
The tragic death of 15-year-old Emmanuel Kirima, a recent entrant into Kilungu Boys High School, has cast a somber atmosphere.