Heartbreaking news as three young lives are lost to Hepatitis A in Uasin Gishu County. Read on for the full story of this alarming outbreak.
Alarm bells are ringing in Uasin Gishu County as the community mourns the loss of three children to Hepatitis A. The recent cases have rocked the region, with all victims under the age of 13. Reports indicate that the infected children were initially treated at Ziwa Hospital, highlighting the urgency of the situation. The county health officials are working tirelessly to contain the spread and provide necessary support to affected families.
During a visit to Uasin Gishu County Hospital, Governor Jonathan Bii expressed his condolences and emphasized the importance of improving healthcare services to prevent such tragedies in the future. The local community is urged to prioritize hygiene and sanitation to combat the spread of Hepatitis A. Health authorities are conducting thorough investigations to understand the source of the outbreak and prevent further fatalities.
It's a somber time for Uasin Gishu County as the devastating effects of Hepatitis A are felt deeply. The loss of young lives serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vaccination and public health initiatives. As the community comes together to support the affected families, there is a renewed commitment to raising awareness about preventable diseases and promoting early detection and treatment.
In light of this tragic event, it is crucial for individuals to educate themselves about Hepatitis A and the importance of vaccinations. Early detection and proper hygiene practices play a key role in preventing the spread of this viral infection. Let us honor the memory of the children lost to this outbreak by prioritizing health and well-being in our communities.
The new cases are of children under the age of 13. Serem said the victims of the viral infection were attended to by medics at Ziwa Hospital before being ...
He was speaking when area Governor Jonathan Bii toured Uasin Gishu county hospital to asses services to the public. by MATHEWS NDANYI.